If you’re curious about Christianity and want to understand where it all began, you’re in the right place. Christianity is a major world religion that is centered around the life, teachings, and message of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to teach people how to love, forgive, and live with kindness and faith.
But Jesus didn’t do this work alone. He chose 12 special followers, called apostles, to help share his message with others. These apostles traveled with him, learned from him, and later helped spread his teachings to the world.
In this article, you’ll learn who these 12 apostles were, what their names were, and why they are important. Whether you’re new to Christianity or just want to understand the basics, this simple guide is here to help you explore the names and stories of Jesus Christ’s closest followers.
- 1. Who Were the Apostles of Jesus Christ?
- 2. The Biblical Source of the Apostles’ Names
- 3. The Complete List of the Twelve Apostles
- 4. Name Variations and Confusions Explained
- 5. Brief Backgrounds of Each Apostle
- 6. The Story of Judas Iscariot and His Replacement
- 7. The Mission and Legacy of the Apostles
- 8. Symbolism and Representation of the Apostles in Art and Culture
- 9. Do Christians Still Refer to the Apostles Today?
- 10. Why Understanding the Apostles Matters
- Conclusion
1. Who Were the Apostles of Jesus Christ?
You might have heard the words “apostle” and “disciple” before, and they can sound a bit confusing. Let’s clear that up first.
A disciple is simply someone who follows and learns from a teacher. In the Bible, Jesus had many disciples—people who listened to him, believed in his message, and tried to live by his teachings.
An apostle, on the other hand, is someone who is sent out to share a message. The word “apostle” means “messenger” or “one who is sent.” So while all apostles were disciples, not all disciples became apostles.
Jesus chose 12 specific disciples to become his apostles. These 12 men were chosen for a special mission: to travel with Jesus, learn from him closely, and then go out into the world to teach others after he was gone.
The apostles played a very important role in Jesus’s life and in the early days of Christianity. They helped him teach crowds, performed miracles through his power, and later became leaders in the growing Christian movement after his death and resurrection.
But why did Jesus choose exactly 12 apostles? That number has a special meaning. In the Old Testament, there were 12 tribes of Israel—groups that made up the nation of God’s people. By choosing 12 apostles, Jesus was showing that he was starting something new and meaningful, just like those original tribes. It was a way of continuing God’s plan through a new spiritual family.
So, when you hear about the apostles, you’re hearing about Jesus’s closest followers—the ones he trusted to carry his message to the rest of the world.
2. The Biblical Source of the Apostles’ Names
If you want to learn where the names of Jesus’s 12 apostles come from, the best place to start is the Bible. Their names are written in the New Testament, which is the part of the Bible that tells the story of Jesus and the early Christian church.
You can find lists of the apostles in four different books of the Bible:
- Matthew 10:2–4
- Mark 3:16–19
- Luke 6:14–16
- Acts 1:13
Each of these books includes a list of the 12 apostles, though you might notice some small differences in how the names are spelled, ordered, or described. For example, one book might call an apostle “Thaddeus,” while another might say “Judas son of James”—these are names for the same person. In some lists, the order of the names may change, but Peter is usually listed first because he became one of the main leaders among them.
Even though there are slight differences, all four lists agree on the core group of 12 men Jesus chose to follow him closely.
Now, you might be wondering why there were 12 apostles in the first place. That number is important in the Bible. It reminds readers of the 12 tribes of Israel from the Old Testament. By choosing 12 apostles, Jesus was showing that he was creating a new spiritual family and continuing God’s special plan for the world.
So, if you ever want to check the names for yourself, just look in the Gospels and the Book of Acts—and keep in mind that even small changes in the lists still point to the same group of trusted followers Jesus chose.
3. The Complete List of the Twelve Apostles
Now that you know where the apostles are mentioned in the Bible, let’s take a closer look at who they were. Below is a simple list of the 12 apostles, along with easy pronunciation tips to help you read their names more comfortably.
These were the 12 men Jesus chose to be his closest followers and messengers:
- Peter (PEE-ter) – Also called Simon. He was a fisherman and became a leader among the apostles.
- James, son of Zebedee (JAYMZ) – One of the first apostles Jesus called.
- John, brother of James (JON) – Often called “the beloved disciple.” He was close to Jesus.
- Andrew (AN-droo) – The brother of Peter, also a fisherman.
- Philip (FILL-ip) – Known for bringing others to meet Jesus.
- Bartholomew (bar-THAW-loh-mew) – Also believed by some to be called Nathanael in the Bible.
- Matthew (MATH-yoo) – A former tax collector who became an apostle.
- Thomas (TOM-us) – Sometimes called “Doubting Thomas” because he wanted proof of Jesus’s resurrection.
- James, son of Alphaeus (JAYMZ) – A different James from the first one.
- Thaddeus (THAD-ee-us) – Also called Judas son of James or sometimes Lebbaeus.
- Simon the Zealot (SIGH-mun) – Called “the Zealot” possibly because of his passionate faith.
- Judas Iscariot (JOO-dus is-CARE-ee-ut) – The one who betrayed Jesus. He was later replaced by Matthias (muh-THIGH-us) after his death.
These names have been remembered for over 2,000 years, and each apostle played a key part in helping to spread the message of Jesus. Some names may sound old or unfamiliar, but they each belonged to real people who walked, talked, and worked alongside Jesus.
4. Name Variations and Confusions Explained
As you read about the 12 apostles, you might get a little confused by some of their names. That’s completely normal! Some apostles seem to have more than one name, and a few of them even share the same name with others. Let’s break it down so it’s easier for you to understand.
Why Do Some Apostles Have More Than One Name?
Back in Bible times, it was common for people to have more than one name. Just like someone today might go by a nickname or have a first and middle name, the apostles sometimes had two names that were used in different situations.
For example:
- Peter was also called Simon.
- Thaddeus was also known as Judas son of James, and sometimes even called Lebbaeus.
These name changes could happen when someone followed Jesus (like when Simon became Peter), or depending on who was writing their story in the Bible.
Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic Influences on Names
Another reason for the different names is language. At that time, people in the region spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. So, a person’s name might sound or look different depending on the language being used.
For example:
- The Hebrew name Shim’on becomes Simon in Greek.
- Yehudah in Hebrew becomes Judas in Greek.
That’s why you might see slight spelling or pronunciation changes across different Bible books.
Similar or Identical Names Explained
To make it even more tricky, some apostles had the same first name. But don’t worry—there are simple ways to tell them apart:
- Two Jameses:
- James son of Zebedee – One of the first apostles Jesus called.
- James son of Alphaeus – Another apostle with the same name but a different father.
- James son of Zebedee – One of the first apostles Jesus called.
- Two Simons:
- Simon Peter – The well-known leader of the apostles.
- Simon the Zealot – A different apostle with the same first name.
- Simon Peter – The well-known leader of the apostles.
- Two Judases:
- Judas Iscariot – The one who betrayed Jesus.
- Judas son of James – Also known as Thaddeus, a faithful apostle.
- Judas Iscariot – The one who betrayed Jesus.
So if you see the same name more than once, just check the extra details (like “son of…” or a second name) to know who’s who.
Understanding these name differences can help you feel more confident as you explore the stories of Jesus’s apostles.
5. Brief Backgrounds of Each Apostle
Here’s a quick and easy-to-understand look at each of Jesus’s 12 apostles. You’ll learn a little about who they were, how they met Jesus, and something unique or memorable about them.
1. Peter (also called Simon)
Peter was a fisherman before he followed Jesus. He met Jesus when his brother Andrew introduced them. Peter is known for his bold personality and strong faith—he even tried to walk on water toward Jesus! But he also made mistakes, like denying Jesus three times. Still, Jesus forgave him, and Peter became a key leader in the early Church.
2. James (son of Zebedee)
James was one of the first disciples Jesus called. He was the brother of John, and they were both fishermen. Jesus nicknamed them “Sons of Thunder” because of their strong and fiery personalities. James was part of Jesus’s inner circle and was later killed for his faith, making him the first apostle to die as a martyr.
3. John (brother of James)
John was the younger brother of James and is often called “the beloved disciple.” He stayed close to Jesus and was with him at important moments, including the crucifixion. He is believed to have written the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation.
4. Andrew
Andrew was the brother of Peter and also a fisherman. He was one of the first people to follow Jesus. He’s known for bringing others to meet Jesus, including his own brother. Andrew traveled far to share the gospel after Jesus’s resurrection.
5. Philip
Philip was from the same town as Peter and Andrew. Jesus personally invited him to follow. Philip is known for asking Jesus important questions and for helping others understand who Jesus was. He introduced his friend Nathanael (Bartholomew) to Jesus.
6. Bartholomew (also called Nathanael)
Bartholomew is believed to be the same person as Nathanael. He was honest and thoughtful, and Jesus praised him for being “a man without deceit.” He may have traveled to faraway places like India or Armenia to preach the gospel.
7. Matthew
Matthew was a tax collector, which made him unpopular with many people at the time. But Jesus saw his potential and called him to be an apostle. Matthew left everything behind to follow Jesus and later wrote the Gospel of Matthew.
8. Thomas
Thomas is best known for doubting Jesus’s resurrection until he saw proof—this is where the phrase “Doubting Thomas” comes from. But when he saw the risen Jesus, he believed deeply and said, “My Lord and my God!” He later traveled far to share Jesus’s message.
9. James (son of Alphaeus)
Not much is known about this James. He is often called “James the Less” to tell him apart from the other James. Some believe he was quiet and humble, but still a faithful follower of Jesus.
10. Thaddeus (also called Judas son of James or Lebbaeus)
Thaddeus asked Jesus a deep question during the Last Supper about why He would show Himself to the apostles and not the whole world. This shows he was thoughtful and curious. He is sometimes confused with the other Judas, but he was loyal to Jesus.
11. Simon the Zealot
Simon may have belonged to a group called the Zealots, who were passionate about freeing their people from Roman rule. He left that behind to follow Jesus in peace. Not much is known about his life, but he was dedicated to the mission.
12. Judas Iscariot
Judas Iscariot is known for betraying Jesus to the religious leaders for 30 pieces of silver. After realizing what he had done, he felt great regret. He was later replaced by another follower named Matthias, who took his place among the 12.
Each of these apostles had a different background, personality, and journey of faith. They weren’t perfect, but Jesus chose them to help share his message—and that’s what makes their stories so powerful.
6. The Story of Judas Iscariot and His Replacement
One of the most well-known stories in the Bible is about Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’s 12 apostles. Sadly, Judas is remembered not for his faith, but for his betrayal.
Judas had followed Jesus like the other apostles, but he made a terrible choice. He betrayed Jesus by helping the religious leaders arrest him. In exchange, Judas was given 30 pieces of silver. He told the leaders where they could find Jesus and even pointed him out with a kiss. This act led to Jesus being taken away, put on trial, and eventually crucified.
Afterward, Judas felt deep regret for what he had done. He tried to return the money, but it was too late. Overcome with guilt and sadness, Judas died soon after. His place among the 12 apostles was now empty.
After Jesus rose from the dead and went back to heaven, the remaining 11 apostles knew they needed to choose someone new to take Judas’s place. In the Book of Acts (Acts 1:15–26), they prayed and looked for someone who had followed Jesus from the beginning and had seen him after he rose.
Two men were considered: Joseph (called Barsabbas) and Matthias. To decide between them, the apostles used a method called casting lots. This was a common way back then to make decisions fairly and prayerfully—like drawing names or tossing a coin, but with the belief that God would guide the outcome.
The lot fell to Matthias, and he became the new twelfth apostle. He joined the others in spreading Jesus’s message and helping to build the early Christian church.
This story reminds you that even when someone makes a terrible mistake, God’s plan continues—and new people can step up to carry on the mission.
7. The Mission and Legacy of the Apostles
After Jesus rose from the dead and returned to heaven, the apostles were given a very important mission. Jesus told them to go out into the world and share his message with everyone. This mission is often called “The Great Commission.” It was their job to tell people about Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection, and to teach others how to live by his words.
The apostles didn’t stay in one place. They traveled to many different countries and cities, spreading the good news. These trips are called missionary journeys, and they weren’t easy. They walked long distances, faced danger, and were often not welcomed. But they kept going, because they truly believed in what they were teaching.
Some apostles, like Peter and Paul, preached in large cities and spoke to crowds. Others, like Thomas, are believed to have gone as far as India. Wherever they went, they helped people learn about Jesus and start new Christian communities. These small groups of believers eventually became what we now know as the Christian Church.
Unfortunately, many of the apostles faced hardship and even death for their faith. Most of them were killed because they refused to stop teaching about Jesus. This made them martyrs—people who die for what they believe in. Even though they died, their words and actions lived on.
The work the apostles began still affects you today if you’re learning about Christianity. They were the first to carry Jesus’s message beyond their hometowns, and their faith helped build the early Church. Because of their courage and dedication, millions of people around the world have come to know the story of Jesus. Their legacy is a powerful reminder of how one small group can make a huge difference.
8. Symbolism and Representation of the Apostles in Art and Culture
When you see Christian art—whether it’s in churches, stained glass windows, paintings, or statues—you might notice special images of the apostles. Over the centuries, artists have found creative ways to show who the apostles were and what they stood for.
Each apostle is often shown with specific symbols that help you recognize them. These symbols usually come from their lives, how they died, or what they were known for. Here are a few examples:
- Peter is often shown holding keys, because Jesus gave him the “keys to the kingdom of heaven.”
- John is sometimes shown with a book or scroll, because he wrote part of the Bible, and sometimes with an eagle, a symbol of his Gospel.
- Andrew is often shown with an X-shaped cross, because tradition says he died on one.
- Thomas might be holding a carpenter’s square or pointing to a wound, reminding us of his doubt and later faith in Jesus’s resurrection.
- James (son of Zebedee) is usually shown with a staff or shell, since he’s connected with pilgrimages and travel.
- Matthew may be shown with money bags or a book, symbolizing his past as a tax collector and his writing of a Gospel.
- Bartholomew is sometimes shown holding a knife, because of how he died.
- Simon the Zealot might be seen with a saw, a symbol tied to the way he was martyred.
- Judas Iscariot, when shown, is usually in scenes of betrayal, often holding a bag of silver coins.
These symbols help tell the stories of the apostles without using words, and they help you recognize who is who in older works of art.
Even today, the names of the apostles are still used in many cultures and communities. You might know someone named James, John, Thomas, Matthew, or Simon—these are all common names that come from the apostles. Churches, cities, and even schools are named after them too.
Their names and stories continue to have meaning, reminding people of faith, courage, loyalty, and the power of spreading good news. When you see their images or hear their names, it’s a way of remembering the first people who helped share Jesus’s message with the world.
9. Do Christians Still Refer to the Apostles Today?
Yes, Christians still talk about and honor the apostles today. Even though they lived over 2,000 years ago, their names and teachings are still a big part of Christian life and faith. If you’re just starting to learn about Christianity, you’ll quickly notice how often the apostles are mentioned in prayers, church traditions, and teachings.
In many churches, the apostles are remembered as heroes of the faith. Their stories are told during Sunday services, especially in Bible readings and sermons. You might also hear their names in prayers, where people ask for guidance and strength, just like the apostles had.
You’ll also see the apostles’ names used in everyday life. Many churches are named after them—like St. Peter’s Church or St. John’s Cathedral. Their names are also common for schools, hospitals, and even towns. In some traditions, they are honored as saints, and special days called feast days are celebrated to remember their lives and work.
For example:
- St. Peter and St. Paul’s Day is celebrated by many Christians on June 29.
- Other apostles, like St. James, also have special days in the calendar.
In some Christian groups, especially in Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican churches, there’s something called apostolic succession. This is the belief that today’s church leaders—like bishops—can trace their spiritual authority all the way back to the apostles. It’s like a long chain of people passing on the same mission Jesus gave the apostles, generation after generation.
So yes, the apostles still matter a lot today. Their faith, bravery, and teachings continue to inspire Christians around the world—and you’ll likely hear their names often as you explore more about Christianity.
10. Why Understanding the Apostles Matters
You might wonder why learning about the apostles is important—especially if you’re just starting to explore Christianity. The truth is, knowing who the apostles were helps you see that the early followers of Jesus were real people, just like you.
Each apostle had a name, a background, and a story. Some were fishermen, others were tax collectors, and some were quiet and thoughtful. They had strengths and weaknesses, and they didn’t always get things right. For example, Peter denied Jesus, and Thomas had doubts. But even with their struggles, they stayed faithful and followed Jesus with their whole hearts. Their stories make it easier for you to relate to them and see that anyone can be used for a greater purpose—no matter their past.
The apostles’ lives show you what it means to live with faith, courage, and devotion. They gave up their jobs and homes to follow Jesus. Many of them traveled far, faced danger, and even gave their lives to share his message. Their actions weren’t always easy, but they believed deeply in what Jesus taught—and that belief shaped everything they did.
By learning about the apostles, you also begin to understand where Christian values come from. Things like loving others, helping the poor, forgiving people, and spreading peace were taught by Jesus and lived out by the apostles. Their work helped build the foundation of the Christian faith that millions of people follow today.
So when you learn their names and stories, you’re not just learning history—you’re discovering the roots of what Christianity teaches and how it all began. The apostles help bring that story to life for you.
Now that you’ve learned about the 12 apostles, you can see how important they were in Jesus’s life and in the beginnings of Christianity. Knowing their names, stories, and the roles they played helps you understand that they were real people who made mistakes, showed great faith, and helped share Jesus’s message with the world.
If this has sparked your curiosity, you’re encouraged to explore the New Testament in the Bible. That’s where you’ll find more about the apostles, what they did, and what they taught. Their stories are filled with lessons about courage, love, forgiveness, and what it means to follow Jesus.
By learning about the apostles, you also begin to understand Jesus more deeply—how he taught, who he trusted, and how his message spread far and wide. Their lives bring his story to life and make it easier for you to connect with the heart of Christianity.