
Printable Positive Affirmation Cards for Childhood Trauma Healing [PDF]

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Printable Affirmation Cards

  1. I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

This affirmation serves as a reminder that your childhood trauma does not define you. You have the power to shape your own identity and future.


  1. I am worthy of love and respect, regardless of my past.

You are deserving of love and respect, no matter what you’ve been through. Your worth is inherent, not determined by your past experiences.


  1. I am healing more and more each day.

Healing is a process, and this affirmation acknowledges that you are making progress, no matter how small, each day.


  1. My past does not have power over my present or future.

This affirmation helps you reclaim power over your life by asserting that your childhood trauma cannot control your present or future.


  1. I am stronger than any struggle I have faced.

You have overcome so much already, which makes you incredibly strong. This affirmation validates your resilience.


  1. I am capable of creating a safe and healthy environment for myself.

This affirmation encourages you to take proactive steps to create a peaceful and secure space for yourself.


  1. I am a survivor, not a victim.

his affirmation helps shift your perspective from feeling victimized to recognizing your strength and resilience in overcoming your childhood trauma.


  1. I am in control of my happiness.

Happiness is a choice, and this affirmation reminds you that you have the power to choose happiness despite your past.


  1. I am releasing the past and embracing the present.

This affirmation encourages you to let go of your past and focus on the present moment, where true healing lies.


  1. I am proud of the progress I’ve made in my healing journey.

This affirmation validates the effort and progress you’ve made on your healing journey, reminding you to be proud of yourself.


  1. I am deserving of peace, happiness, and love.

This affirmation emphasizes your worthiness of positive experiences, feelings, and relationships.


  1. I am healing at my own pace, and that’s okay.

This affirmation validates that healing takes time and that it’s okay to heal at your own pace.


  1. I am not alone in my healing journey.

This affirmation serves as a reminder that there are others who understand your struggle and are here to support you.


  1. I am loving and kind to myself.

This affirmation encourages you to practice self-love and kindness, which are essential for healing.


  1. I am courageous for facing my past and healing from it.

This affirmation celebrates your bravery in facing your past and actively working towards healing.


  1. I am growing stronger with each passing day.

This affirmation highlights your continual growth and resilience in the face of adversity.


  1. I am free from the chains of my past.

This affirmation represents your liberation from the confines of your past, signaling a new chapter in your life.


  1. I am committed to my healing journey.

This affirmation emphasizes your dedication to healing, which is a crucial aspect of recovery.


  1. I am transitioning from surviving to thriving.

This affirmation signifies a shift in perspective from merely getting by to actively thriving.


  1. I am learning to trust and love myself again.

This affirmation acknowledges the process of rebuilding self-trust and self-love, both crucial steps in healing from childhood trauma.


  1. I am not defined by my past, but by who I choose to be today.

This affirmation reinforces the idea that your past does not determine your worth or your future. It empowers you to define yourself by the choices you make in the present.


  1. My courage is stronger than my fear.

This affirmation helps to remind you of your strength and resilience in the face of adversity and helps to reduce fear-based thinking.


  1. I am learning to trust myself and my journey.

This affirmation promotes self-trust, which is essential in the healing process. It encourages faith in your journey and your ability to navigate it.


  1. I am worthy of kindness, love, and respect.

This affirmation helps to instill a strong sense of self-worth and encourages you to demand respect and kindness from others and yourself.


  1. I am growing stronger and more resilient each day.

This affirmation acknowledges the progress you’re making in your healing journey, reinforcing the idea that every day brings growth and strength.


  1. I am allowed to express my feelings without fear of judgment.

This affirmation encourages open and honest expression of emotions, a critical part of healing from trauma.


  1. I am not alone in my journey to healing.

This affirmation serves as a reminder that you are not alone, fostering a sense of community and support.


  1. I am worthy of a life free from the shadows of the past.

This affirmation states your deservingness of a life unburdened by your past, encouraging you to step into a brighter future.


  1. I am letting go of guilt and embracing self-compassion.

This affirmation encourages the release of guilt often associated with trauma and the adoption of a more compassionate attitude towards oneself.


  1. I am learning to set healthy boundaries.

This affirmation emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries as a part of self-care and recovery from trauma.


  1. I am brave for facing my past and healing from it.

This affirmation validates your courage in facing your past and actively pursuing healing.


  1. I am creating a safe space for myself.

This affirmation underlines the importance of creating a safe environment for oneself, which is essential for healing from trauma.


  1. I am in control of my healing journey.

This affirmation empowers you by reinforcing that you are in control of your own path to recovery.


  1. I am deserving of peace and tranquility.

This affirmation reinforces your worthiness of peace and tranquility, encouraging you to seek these feelings in your life.


  1. I am transforming my pain into power.

This affirmation validates your ability to turn your experiences into strength, empowering you in your healing journey.


  1. I am learning to love and accept myself unconditionally.

This affirmation promotes self-love and acceptance, which are key components of healing from trauma.


  1. I am capable of overcoming my challenges.

This affirmation acknowledges your ability to overcome adversity, reinforcing your strength and resilience.


  1. I am not my trauma. I am a survivor.

This affirmation distinguishes between your traumatic experiences and your identity, reinforcing your status as a survivor, not a victim.


  1. I am giving myself permission to heal.

This affirmation emphasizes your right to heal, encouraging you to prioritize your recovery.


  1. I am becoming the person I aspire to be.

This affirmation acknowledges your progress and growth, validating your journey towards becoming the person you aspire to be.


  1. I am not defined by my past, but by who I choose to become.

This affirmation reminds you that your past experiences don’t determine your identity. You have the power to shape your own identity through your actions, decisions, and attitudes today.


  1. I possess immense courage and resilience.

This affirmation is to recognize the strength within you. Healing from trauma requires courage and resilience, and you’ve shown these qualities by choosing to heal.


  1. I am allowed to feel, process, and express my emotions.

This affirmation validates your right to express your feelings. Suppressing emotions can delay healing, so it’s important to acknowledge, process, and express your emotions in healthy ways.


  1. I am more than a survivor; I am a thriver.

This affirmation emphasizes that you are not just surviving your past, but actively moving towards thriving despite it. It’s a testament to your strength, resilience, and determination.


  1. I am worthy of love and respect.

This affirmation is to reinforce your self-worth. Regardless of your past, you are deserving of love and respect from yourself and others.


  1. I am in control of my life now.

This affirmation serves as a reminder that you are now in control, not the people or situations from your past. You get to decide what your future looks like.


  1. I am valuable and my contributions matter.

This affirmation emphasizes your value as an individual and the importance of your contributions, big or small. It’s a reminder that you matter.


  1. I am moving forward and leaving my past behind.

This affirmation encourages you to focus on the present and future, instead of being weighed down by your past. It’s a reminder that you have the power to move forward.


  1. I am embracing my journey of healing and self-discovery.

This affirmation acknowledges healing as a journey of self-discovery. It’s about embracing the process, with its ups and downs, and learning more about yourself along the way.


  1. I am brave, I am healed, I am enough.

This affirmation is a powerful statement of self-belief. It acknowledges your bravery, celebrates your healing, and reinforces your self-worth. It’s a reminder that you are enough just as you are.

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