
Printable Positive Affirmation Cards for Trusting the Universe [PDF]

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Printable Affirmation Cards

  1. I trust the universe to guide me on the right path.

This affirmation reminds you that the universe has a plan for you. It will guide you to where you need to be, even when the path isn’t clear.


  1. The universe is conspiring in my favor.

This positive affirmation helps you believe that the universe is working for your benefit, turning all situations into opportunities for growth.


  1. I surrender my worries to the universe.

This encourages you to let go of your worries and fears, trusting the universe to handle them and bring the best outcome.


  1. The universe always provides what I need.

This affirmation helps you trust that the universe will always meet your needs at the right time.


  1. I am in sync with the universe’s rhythm.

This affirmation helps you feel aligned with the universe’s flow, allowing its energy to guide your actions and decisions.


  1. I trust the universe’s timing.

This encourages patience, reminding you that the universe’s timing is perfect, even when it doesn’t align with your expectations.


  1. The universe supports my dreams and aspirations.

This affirmation reassures you that the universe is backing your ambitions, working behind the scenes to help you achieve them.


  1. I am open to the universe’s wisdom.

This encourages you to be open and receptive to the wisdom the universe offers, guiding you towards enlightenment.


  1. The universe leads me to beneficial opportunities.

This affirmation reassures you that the universe is leading you to opportunities that are beneficial for your growth and development.


  1. I am connected with the energy of the universe.

This affirmation enhances your sense of unity with the universe, helping you feel a part of its infinite energy.


  1. The universe is my source of infinite abundance.

This affirmation helps you recognize the universe as a source of endless prosperity, inspiring you to tap into its abundance.


  1. I trust the universe to bring me joy.

This affirmation encourages you to trust that the universe is capable of bringing you joy in any circumstance.


  1. The universe is aligning my life with what’s best for me.

This encourages you to believe that the universe is aligning your life with what’s best for you.


  1. I am open to the universe’s surprises.

This affirmation helps you stay open-minded, ready to embrace the unexpected gifts the universe sends your way.


  1. I am grateful for the universe’s generosity.

This affirmation promotes a sense of gratitude for the countless gifts the universe bestows upon you.


  1. The universe loves and supports me unconditionally.

This affirmation reassures you of the universe’s unconditional love and support, bolstering your self-esteem.


  1. The universe brings me healing and peace.

This affirmation helps you trust in the universe’s capacity to provide healing and tranquility in times of turmoil.


  1. I am in harmony with the universe.

This affirmation helps you feel more at peace, in tune with the universe’s energy and rhythm.


  1. The universe guides me to my true purpose.

This affirmation reassures you that the universe is guiding you toward your genuine purpose in life.


  1. The universe is full of magical possibilities for me.

This affirmation encourages you to believe in the limitless possibilities the universe holds for you.


  1. I trust the universe’s plan for me.

This affirmation helps you trust that the universe has a unique and meaningful plan for you, even when life feels uncertain.


  1. The universe surrounds me with positive energy.

This affirmation promotes a sense of being enveloped in the universe’s positive energy, helping to uplift your spirits.


  1. The universe is my infinite source of love.

This affirmation helps you recognize the universe as a boundless source of love, fostering feelings of acceptance and belonging.


  1. I trust the universe to protect me.

This affirmation instills a sense of security, trusting in the universe’s protective energy.


  1. The universe empowers me to succeed.

This affirmation reinforces your belief in your ability to succeed, knowing the universe is supporting you.


  1. My life is a reflection of the universe’s beauty.

This affirmation helps you see your life as an expression of the universe’s beauty, fostering a sense of appreciation and awe.


  1. The universe provides me with strength and resilience.

This affirmation reassures you of the universe’s support, providing you with the strength and resilience required in challenging times


  1. I am one with the universe.

This affirmation promotes a sense of unity and harmony with the universe, enhancing your sense of connection and belonging.


  1. I trust the universe to bring me fulfillment.

This affirmation encourages you to believe that the universe will lead you towards experiences and opportunities that bring fulfillment.


  1. The universe sends me signs and guidance.

This affirmation supports your belief in the universe’s guidance, helping you to see and interpret signs in your daily life.


  1. I am open to the universe’s blessings.

This affirmation encourages you to remain open and receptive to the blessings the universe has in store for you.


  1. The universe is my constant companion and guide.

This affirmation reinforces the idea of the universe as a constant guide and companion on your life’s journey.


  1. I trust the universe to resolve my problems.

This affirmation encourages you to let go of the need to control everything, trusting that the universe will resolve your issues in the best possible way.


  1. The universe is my infinite source of creativity.

This affirmation helps you recognize the universe as a limitless source of creativity, inspiring you to express your unique talents.


  1. I trust the universe to bring me happiness.

This affirmation promotes the belief that the universe is capable of leading you towards happiness in all areas of your life.


  1. The universe nurtures my growth and development.

This affirmation reassures you that the universe supports your personal growth and development, guiding you towards your highest potential.


  1. I am in alignment with the universe’s energy.

This affirmation helps you feel in sync with the universe’s energy, enabling you to move with its natural flow.


  1. I trust the universe’s infinite wisdom.

This affirmation promotes trust in the universe’s wisdom, encouraging you to seek guidance in its signs and messages.


  1. The universe showers me with abundance.

This affirmation supports your belief in the universe’s generosity, allowing you to attract abundance in all forms.


  1. I am a reflection of the universe’s magnificence.

This affirmation helps you see your worth, understanding that you are a reflection of the universe’s grandeur and magnificence.


  1. The universe guides me towards love and compassion.

This affirmation reassures you that the universe is guiding you towards experiences that foster love and compassion.


  1. I trust the universe to bring me prosperity.

This affirmation fosters the belief that the universe is guiding you towards prosperity in all areas of your life.


  1. The universe provides me with courage and confidence.

This affirmation reassures you that the universe supplies you with the courage and confidence needed to face any challenge.


  1. I am in tune with the universe’s vibrations.

This affirmation promotes a sense of harmony with the universe, helping you tune into its vibrations and energy.


  1. I trust the universe to bring me peace.

This affirmation fosters a belief in the universe’s ability to bring you peace, encouraging a sense of calm and tranquility.


  1. The universe fills my life with positivity.

This affirmation supports the belief that the universe is filling your life with positive experiences and encounters.


  1. I am a part of the universe’s divine plan.

This affirmation helps you understand that you are an integral part of the universe’s divine plan, fostering a sense of purpose and significance.


  1. I trust the universe to guide me towards wisdom.

This affirmation encourages you to believe that the universe is guiding you towards wisdom and understanding.


  1. The universe supports my journey of self-discovery.

This affirmation reassures you that the universe is supporting your journey of self-discovery, guiding you towards self-awareness and growth.


  1. I am filled with the universe’s light and energy.

This affirmation invites us to cultivate a sense of wonder, connectedness, and purpose in our lives, and to strive for personal growth and enlightenment by aligning ourselves with the cosmic forces that shape our existence.

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